Why should you use the PageSpeed Testing Tool


A PageSpeed Plugin evaluates a web page and provides suggestions on how to improve the speed of your page. It is important to understand how PageSpeed Tools assist you in delivering a positive user experience.

PageSpeed Testing Tool

 It ensures that the pages of your website load quickly. 

There are various tools available to help in improving the speed of your website. But first, look at the reasons why your website is loading slowly. One of the main reasons for slow loading is your server. 

Another reason for the slow loading site is the code that is blocking the rendering of your website. It could be CSS, JavaScript, or any other type of code that blocks the rendering of the current page.

If your pages are not loading quickly, users come back to the SERP and land up on your competitor’s website.

Now let’s move on to the tools that help you in testing the page load and improving the performance of your website. Some page speed tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, RabbitLoader, WebPage Test, GT Metrix, Chrome Lighthouse, and so on.

Google PageSpeed Insights is a free tool developed by Google that helps you evaluate the content of your web page. After evaluating the content of your page, it represents you with field data such as First Input Delay, First Contentful Paint, lab data such as Time to Interactive, Speed Index, diagnostics, and opportunities.

Another tool that you can use to improve the speed of your page is Chrome Lighthouse. You can use this tool to audit performance and accessibility.

It uses field data that assists you in capturing the real-world experience. On the other hand, it uses lab data as the source which is helpful in debugging performance issues.

Another powerful and free page speed testing tool is RabbitLoader which helps in optimizing all the pages of your site for optimal performance. This tool helps you to achieve better page speed scores.

First, you need to visit RabbitLoader.com and enter any website URL. It evaluates the current score while delivering insights into the potential score you can get with the help of this tool. This auto-optimization procedure only takes a few minutes to optimize your whole site.

Other important PageSpeed tools such as the Website Speed Test tool, Google ChromeDev tools, etc. help you to optimize the performance of your website. These tools are very helpful in boosting user satisfaction.

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