The All New GDPR for TV Data Analytics in 2018


There are advanced advertising models that are now based on the set-top-box or the smart TV data from the United States. This means that many of them needs to be updated since the regulatory environment in Europe is different. In May of 2018, a lot of changes will be made with the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR.

The new GDPR, will have a lot of changes with the consumer rights. Eight of these will have a great impact on the business models when it comes to TV data. Here are the critical parts of the regulation that we should be aware of. This should also guide us along the way.

The Improved Rights of GDPR

Anyone Should Be Informed

The right to be informed. Before collecting data from consumers, they should be aware of it. The reason why you’re collecting, what you are receiving, and your purpose for gathering their information should be clear with them. If your purpose is to use it to measure viewing, or profiling for marketing purposes, you need to specify it. Nothing should be kept in secret from the consumers.

Let the Consumers Access Those Files

The Right to Access. Customers have the right to see the information that you’re collecting and storing from them. This is similar to what Netflix or Amazon does, where they have a complete viewing history online or through their apps. There should be a way for consumers to access this information.

Let Them Correct You

The Right of Rectification. If the consumers think that the information you have from them is incorrect, they can have this changed. This is usually an issue with credit rating agencies.

Remove Me From Your Systems.

The right of erasure. This was formerly called the “right to be forgotten”. The consumer can demand to have their information erased from your file. This change is unsure yet whether it’s applicable while you have cut ties with the provider, or if you can have your information deleted while you still get the service from them.

Transfer all Your Files

The right to data portability. Consumers are willing to share their data as long as they are getting the best TV service. Under the new GDPR, all your data will be removed upon cancellation of subscription, and you can take your viewing data with you to your next provider.

You Can Say No

The right to object. This is somewhat the same with the right to rectify. But here, the consumers will not correct the information that you have from them, but will not agree on you holding this specific information.

Opt-Out of Automatic Decision Making

The rights relating automatic decision making and profiling. When you are profiling a consumer, you need to have them agree to “opt-in” with advertising or marketing strategies for example. Consumers should have an option not to be disturbed by these computer-generated decisions.

With these changes in GDPR, it is expected that there will be an increase in cost for companies when processing these business models. However, this would also benefit the consumers with its transparency which is better for them in the long run. These changes will result in the improvement of quality of the data used for predictive analysis. Better data will result in better business.

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