Lanyard Guide: How Useful They Are For Schools And How To Buy Them


Lanyards, a well-known card accessory, makes carrying identity card, employee badge, keys, and other important credentials very easy. It is not difficult to acknowledge the significance of lanyards. After all, they are used everywhere. Lanyards are used in businesses, hotels, schools, colleges, universities, events, and almost anywhere where one wants to ensure safety and security.

Lanyard Guide h

Here we have discussed a few points of how important lanyards are for schools, and how you can pick the right one for your school. So, let’s start…

Importance of lanyards for schools

When we talk about lanyards for schools, the only picture we imagine is students and staff wearing simple lanyards with laminated photo IDs attached to it. Well, that is not what lanyards is all about in 2020.

Today, lanyards have more than just a few uses within a school. There are many ways of using lanyards, and there are many different types of lanyards available too. For instance, Custom Earth Promos, an eco-friendly company from Florida, specializes in eco-friendly lanyards. You can use these for your school, and let the world know how your institute values and respects the environment.

Lanyards are an economical way to ensure and improve safety of your students and staff members. Here are a few ways in which you can use lanyards within your school…

For Photo ID

This is one of the most obvious uses of lanyards. Students and staff members are usually wearing lanyards with their photo ID attached to it. Besides, big schools with more number of students can use lanyards to differentiate between – students, teaching staff, administrative staff, and visitors.

For School events like sports day and annual functions

Lanyards are not just for school premises, but can be very helpful in outdoor events. At school events, you can issue lanyards to visitors and thereby differentiate them from students and school staffs. Also, students and staff members can have the schedule of event attached to their respective lanyards.

For School Trips

Safety of students and staff members is your top priority, especially when they are on field trips. Custom Earth Promos specially design and print lanyards for this purpose. The benefit of these lanyards is students are identified easily as well as the risk of losing any student is lowered by many folds.

For Parent-Teacher meeting and open days

When you issue visitor lanyards to parents, it helps in maintaining security on school premises. Again, you can have custom made lanyards for this purpose with images and text related to the event.

For school canteen

You will be amazed to know that lanyards play a vital role when used in school canteens. Lanyards make it possible for school staff to identity students with food allergies and special food requirements.

Buying lanyards for school

Before making a choice, the first thing you need to figure out is who will be wearing lanyards on school premises. For sure, you will have lanyards for students, but will the teachers, administrators and janitorial staff have it.

If you are buying lanyards for students, including the very younger ones, you need to pay attention on the design and make of the lanyard. After all, it has to be with breakaways. However, for staff members you can pick on from hundreds of designs, fittings, features, etc.

Lastly, we recommend consulting a professional company. Knowing the pros and cons of a few lanyard designs will help you pick the best one.

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