How Much Does it Cost to Hire a React Developer in 2023?


React developer is a highly sought-after job position in the technical market due to the popularity of ReactJS. This subversive library has revolutionized front-end Java Script development with its scalability, varied usage, and speed.

Virtually every company wants to use this technology for their web and app development, making it a very popular skill and skyrocketing the average salary of React developers worldwide.

Hiring the right React developer for your project includes various factors such as budget, business needs, project size and scale, product specifications, required skill and experience level, etc. Whether you’re hiring a remote developer, freelancer, or an in-house React developer. For your company’s needs, you should evaluate these factors before finalizing the salary.

Key Things to Consider Before Hiring a React Developer

You need to take into consideration the next steps involved in hiring a suitable developer for your React project. Now, that you are able to provide an accurate response to the question of how much a React developer makes. These steps are also important for the final salary negotiation, so don’t skip them.

1. Analyze the needs of the project

When you decided to hire react developers India, you must be clear about the needs of your project. This can be done through a detailed ReactJS developer job description or a collaborative conversation with the developer to establish the scope of development work.

Once you are clear about the features, schedule, and other specific project requirements, you can have a more informed discussion about salary. For example, the salary of a full-stack React developer will be higher in general, so if you only need front-end development, discuss the remuneration accordingly.

2. Draft project description

It is very crucial to write a project description so that you can be in the same stage as the React developer regarding the functionalities of the end product. Discussion of whether you need the application to integrate with existing systems, what features you envision, and how you have envisioned the final product.

Moreover, in this procedure, you will become able to know whether to hire a freelancer, remote worker or in-house developer. This also helps the developer understand how to use their skills and experience for the project.

3. Set salary expectations

Once the project requirements and timelines are clear, the need arises to establish salary expectations with the professional. You should understand your budget and be transparent about it and discuss the figure with the developer before operating further.

This will save time for both parties as you can move on to the next opportunity if the candidate doesn’t seem like a good fit for the salary structure.

Cost Based on Developer’s Location

Considering the geographic location is an important aspect when hiring React developers due to variations in hiring costs around the world.

North America

Due to the amount of exposure American developers have to software giants, hiring costs are higher here. Since talent acquisition is limited, developer pay is higher. The United States also benefits from higher minimum wages than any other country.


In Asia, India is known as the most popular space for hiring React developers. There are many developers at different skill levels who specialize in advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc. Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines are other Asian countries where you can hire reliable talent.

India’s pragmatic approach to solving business problems has made them a popular choice to hire developer in India. Apart from these benefits, one of the main advantages of India is its availability of software companies that can provide developers according to your specifications.


There are various European countries with skilled, dedicated, and experienced React developers, consisting of Spain, France, and Germany. UK IT sector revenue has risen to £2.56bn, already establishing it as a technology-focused market. This has led it to become a prime place to hire React developers.

Cost of Hiring a React Developer: Internal vs. Remote

The cost of hiring a React developer can also depend on the skill set you are hiring. The cost of hiring internal React developers will be high compared to remote React developers, as many additional costs are needed to complete the hiring process.

One of the obvious factors is the cost of hiring a React developer, including salary, workplace, employee benefits, and many others. The average cost of hiring in-house ReactJs developers stays between $15 and $100 per hour, which could be expensive for small business owners.


While the cost of hiring Remote React developers is less than that of in-house developers. The business owners of the development company manage the process of hiring and managing the React developer they will hire for the development of their product. The only factor that business owners need to consider is hiring the best ReactJs development company for the development of their digital products.

The average cost will remain between $20 to $38 per hour. The average hiring rate is very profitable, so hiring Remote React developers is an ideal choice for application development.

Final Verdict 

When you’re wondering how much it costs to hire a react developer, you first need to be clear about your project’s customizations. This guide will help you choose the right skill level and location to hire so you can pay your React developer a fair salary.

If React development is not your main line of business, the best idea is to hire a remote developer for the many benefits already mentioned. You get guaranteed quality, flexibility, and economy with a remote worker, who can improve your final product.

Thus, to hire react developers, you gain access to qualified, shortlisted professionals. Also, you can check some top IT staff augmentation companies to find the right talent for your project without having to do any legwork yourself. 

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