Five Steps to Limiting Package Theft for Your Small Business

reduce package theft

Package theft can be a genuinely difficult problem to deal with for small businesses. It impacts both your company and your customers, making it a problem that you should tackle head-on. However, if you’re able to mitigate package theft, you can move forward without issues.

Here are five of the most important steps to take if you’re trying to reduce package theft.

  1. Know About Your Current Package Delivery Situation

First off, you can’t fix a problem if you don’t know anything about it. Understand your company’s package delivery process: talk to your delivery drivers, make a list of delivery services you use, and request information about the delivery process. Learn more about what security features you’re currently using. How are you currently preventing package theft, if at all?

  1. Gather Customer Feedback

If you already collect customer satisfaction surveys, you can use them to understand a little bit more about whether customers are currently experiencing issues with package theft. If you don’t have customer satisfaction surveys, consider reaching out to recent customers to ask them a few questions. You might be able to use coupon codes to entice customers to complete the survey.

  1. Come Up With Ideas That Could Minimize Package Theft

There are all sorts of ways you could potentially reduce package theft. For example, you might do any of the following:

  • Change your packaging to avoid mentioning expensive items.
  • Give customers the option to pick up packages from a nearby secure location.
  • Offer package theft insurance as an add-on for customers.

You’ll ideally want to come up with five to ten ideas that you might be able to implement. Even if it doesn’t seem very cost-effective, put it in the list of potential ideas. You might be able to build on it for a better idea.

  1. Plan Improvement With Your Employees

It’s a good idea to bring your employees into the process of improvement. After all, you want your employees to be as interested in improving your business as you are. Consider setting up a conference call with employees, including delivery drivers, to discuss the options you’ve come up with and request additional input. It might surprise you how many creative solutions your employees might be able to come up with.

  1. Run a Pilot Test

Before you implement certain solutions for the entirety of your customer base, first implement it for a few customers. For example, you might try certain theft minimization tactics for 10% of your customers for the next month. If it significantly reduces package theft and enhances customer satisfaction, you can then move to implement it across all customer deliveries. Running a pilot test ensures that you don’t commit to something that might not actually benefit your delivery drivers or your customers.




As you can see, minimizing package theft doesn’t have to be that difficult. It can actually be relatively easy, especially if you’re willing to get your employees and your delivery drivers involved. Whether you end up implementing multiple package theft solutions or just one, this is a great roadmap to follow so you can reduce package theft in a cost-effective manner.

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