Benefits Of Using A Secondary Drive On A Dedicated Server

Dedicated Server

While data redundancy and protection are important aspects of a website, many site owners are yet to explore the benefits of a secondary drive on their dedicated servers. When a business starts looking for a hosting server, there are many options to choose from like a shared server, VPS server, cloud server, and dedicated server. When you decide to opt for dedicated server hosting, you can choose between Windows and Linux Dedicated Hosting, HDD and SSD Dedicated Server Hosting, and Unmanaged and Managed Dedicated Hosting based on your needs. An SSD Dedicated Server for hosting offers a powerful and reliable hosting environment for websites. 

Typically, a web server has a single drive. However, there can be times when a single drive might not be enough for a business. If you have two hard drives, then you might be able to boost the protection and redundancy of the server. Here are some benefits of using a secondary hard drive on your dedicated server

More storage space

When you use two drives on your dedicated server, you get more storage options and writing speeds to manage various use cases. Hence, you don’t have to worry about moving files or applications if the server’s storage becomes full. If your business and/or website deals with a lot of large files, then having a secondary drive on your dedicated server can be a good option.

Different drives for different needs

With two drives, you can allocate different server-related tasks to different drives. For example, you can assign one drive to your control panel and the other to FTP transfers. You can also install two different operating systems on each drive if your business needs it.

Better server performance

With a secondary drive, the server can read and write at a faster rate. It can also help boost the overall performance of the server. While the secondary drive will not improve the processing speed and/or graphical quality of the server, it will boost the redundancy of the system. If the server uses HDD, then you can attach an SSD secondary drive to improve the reliability of the server.

Faster backups

While it is recommended to back up your site at a different location, having a secondary drive can help back up your site to the other drive in no time. You can have two mirrored copies of your site’s data and use RAID technology to secure the data.

Makes the server more versatile

Web servers usually run multiple simultaneous programs. With a secondary drive, the dedicated server can perform multiple simultaneous read/write functions efficiently. When you divide the tasks between two drives, they don’t compete with each other for the bandwidth of the server. This helps make the SSD dedicated server more versatile.

Summing Up

As you can see secondary drives can offer a range of benefits to dedicated server hosting plans. However, before opting for one, make sure that you assess the volume of data you work with and store. Remember, adding a secondary drive will cost you more money. Hence, ensure that you need it before making the decision. Good Luck! 

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