4 Reasons why Having a Business Email can Boost Your Email Marketing Strategy


An email is a form of business communication that is professional, fast, cheap, and easily accessible. Using a Professional Email account can be advantageous to businesses as it offers efficient and effective ways to communicate and share data. Email marketing has been a marketing strategy for brands ever since the dawn of the internet into our lives. Nowadays, organizations create personalized messages, run campaigns, and stay in touch with their clients while trying to approach newer markets. However, many brands fail to realize the power of a Business Email account and still use free email services offered by sites like Gmail, Yahoo, etc. despite using a paid hosting server for hosting their websites.

Today, we are going to talk about a Business Email Hosting service and look at how it can boost your email marketing efforts.

4 Reasons why Having a Business Email can Boost Your Email Marketing Strategy

1. Creates Brand Presence

Imagine receiving an email from a brand that uses a Gmail/Yahoo email address as opposed to a Business Email address having the domain name of the brand. As small as it may sound, these things make a difference in creating the image of the brand. Also, it works as a reminder of the brand name and helps create a correlation with the products and services offered. Hence, when you run an email marketing campaign using a Professional Email Hosting account, the chances of success improve.

2. Offers better security

Despite the security measures taken, free email service providers face constant cyber attacks like malware and hacking. Since the services are free, you have no control over the security measures. Hence, your Business Email account receives the same security as a personal email account. When you use an email address for business, there can be times when you send legal documents and financial information via email to clients. It is necessary to protect such sensitive information. The perfect email providers for business offer security features that protect you from spams, hacking attempts and malware attacks. Being credible provides a trust factor for your clients and boosts your email marketing efforts.

3. Boosts the credibility of the brand

One of the biggest problems faced by email marketing teams is the fact that most emails are ignored by readers or worse, sent straight to spam. Professional Business Emails are relevant, personalized, and engaging enough to build trust and credibility. Once an email user recognizes your brand and marks emails from you as ‘Not Spam’, the read rate of emails increases, and so does the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy.

4. Allows you to establish your brand as a thought leader in your domain

In today’s times, while information is available at our fingertips, we like brands that can add value to our ocean of knowledge about a particular product/service. We love thought leaders. Hence, as a brand, you need to work on establishing yourself as one in your domain. You can publish a newsletter or online magazine informing your audience of the latest news, tips, or updates about your product offerings. Such publications could also lead to new opportunities such as strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and media interviews. All it takes is the right person to see your message at the right time.

Summing Up

Remember, emails are still one of the best ways to market your products and service and promote your brand. Also, with dwindling attention spans, most people give a brand a couple of opportunities before writing it off as unprofessional. Hence, if you are planning an email marketing campaign, then ensure that you have a Professional Business Email account and leverage the benefits of Business Email solutions mentioned above. Good Luck!

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